Cancel or change your Ausmed subscription

Before you start, please note:

  • If you have an outstanding invoice the option to cancel will not be available; please contact us for further support.
  • Cancellation of your Ausmed subscription is a self-managed process done via the website.
  • Cancellations cannot be made via the Ausmed App (unless you subscribed through Apple/Google in which case you must cancel via Apple/Google in your phone settings).
  • If you do not cancel your subscription before your next transaction date, you will be debited for the next billing period as per the Terms and Conditions.
  • To view your upcoming invoice date and payment history, please click here. 
  • You will continue to be billed until you cancel your subscription.



How to cancel your Ausmed subscription:

1. Log in to your account 


2. Click on your initials (or profile picture) and click on "Your subscription is active":


3. Now click "Manage subscription":


4. You will see the "Manage Subscription" page. Click the "Cancel" button:

Note: To change to a different subscription (rather than cancel), click the select button on the subscription you would like.


5. Follow the prompts by clicking "Continue":


6. Once you see this confirmation message, your subscription has been successfully cancelled:

Note: You will also receive a confirmation email if you have successfully cancelled your subscription. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact us



7. To confirm if your subscription has been successfully cancelled, go back to your subscription settings and you will see the button "Reactivate your subscription":


Thank you for being a valued Ausmed customer!


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