Your Organisation may assign policies for you to read and acknowledge as part of their compliance requirements.
This article is a guide on how to acknowledge a policy in your My Organisation dashboard.
You can acknowledge a policy on the Ausmed App or on a web browser.
On a web browser:
2. Click on ‘My Organisation’ in the top menu bar:
3. Click on ‘Overview’ below the top menu bar:
4. Scroll down to ‘Assigned Policies’ to view a list of policies that need to be acknowledged:
5. Click Acknowledge
6. View the policy, including:
The policy file - the document that contains the policy content.
Tip: Explore the document tools, including the download and print buttons.
- First Created - the date the policy was first added to Ausmed.
- Updated - the date the policy was last updated.
- Additional Documents - a list of additional documents attached to the policy.
- Standards - the standards tagged to the policy.
- Topics - the topics tagged to the policy.
The policy file - the document that contains the policy content.
7. Scroll to the bottom of the page, check the acknowledgement checkbox and click Mark as Acknowledged:
Note: You have been successful if the button turns green and says ‘Acknowledged’. You will also receive an email confirming the Policy you acknowledged.
On the Ausmed App:
Note: If you don’t have the app, you can follow this guide to download it: Download the Ausmed CPD App |
2. On the dashboard, tap your organisation under the ‘My Organisation’ heading:
3. If you have a policy assigned to you, it will appear under ‘Assigned Policies’. Tap the ‘Acknowledge’ button:
Note: You will be redirected to the Ausmed website to complete the process. Click ‘OK’ on the redirection modal |
4. Read and understand the policy, before checking the checkbox and tapping Mark as Acknowledged:
Note: You need to click on the policy link before you'll be able to `Mark as Acknowledged`. In the example below you would need to click `Work health and safety policy` before proceeding. |
5. The button will change to green and say Acknowledged:
6. Go back to the Ausmed App and tap Policy Library to view your acknowledged policies: