Acknowledge a policy assigned to you

Your Organisation may assign policies for you to read and acknowledge as part of their compliance requirements.

This article is a guide on how to acknowledge a policy in your My Organisation dashboard.

You can acknowledge a policy on the Ausmed App or on a web browser.


On a web browser:

1. Login to your account

2. Click on ‘My Organisation’ in the top menu bar:


3. Click on ‘Overview’ below the top menu bar:



4. Scroll down to ‘Assigned Policies’ to view a list of policies that need to be acknowledged:


  • Assigned policies that are ‘Due now’ must be acknowledged as soon as possible.
  • Assigned Policies will not display if all policies have been acknowledged or there are no policies to acknowledge.


5. Click Acknowledge

6. View the policy, including:

    • The policy file - the document that contains the policy content.
      Tip: Explore the document tools, including the download and print buttons.

    • First Created - the date the policy was first added to Ausmed. 
    • Updated - the date the policy was last updated. 
    • Additional Documents - a list of additional documents attached to the policy. 
    • Standards - the standards tagged to the policy. 
    • Topics - the topics tagged to the policy.

7. Scroll to the bottom of the page, check the acknowledgement checkbox and click Mark as Acknowledged:



Note: You have been successful if the button turns green and says ‘Acknowledged’. You will also receive an email confirming the Policy you acknowledged.




On the Ausmed App:


1. Login to your account

Note: If you don’t have the app, you can follow this guide to download it: Download the Ausmed CPD App


2. On the dashboard, tap your organisation under the ‘My Organisation’ heading:



3. If you have a policy assigned to you, it will appear under ‘Assigned Policies’. Tap the ‘Acknowledge’ button:


Note: You will be redirected to the Ausmed website to complete the process. Click ‘OK’ on the redirection modal


4. Read and understand the policy, before checking the checkbox and tapping Mark as Acknowledged:

Note: You need to click on the policy link before you'll be able to `Mark as Acknowledged`. In the example below you would need to click `Work health and safety policy` before proceeding. 



5. The button will change to green and say Acknowledged:



6. Go back to the Ausmed App and tap Policy Library to view your acknowledged policies:


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