Check if you are enrolled in the Aged Care Training Passport

On desktop computer:

  1. Login to your account.

  2. Click on 'Passport' in the header:

  3. If you see:

    A page with an Enrol for free button; you are not enrolled. Click the button if you would like to enrol.

    If you can see a page with the title My Passport and a pink tab called Passport Progress, you are enrolled.


On the app:

  1. Login to your account

  2. Tap Settings in the bottom right corner

  3. Tap Ausmed Passport

  4. If you see:

    A page with an Enroll for free button, you are not enrolled. Click the button if you would like to enrol.

    A page with the title My Passport and a pink tab called Passport Progress, you are enrolled.




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