Checking your Aged Care Training Passport progress

On desktop computer:

  1. Login to your account

  2. Click on your initials (or profile picture) in the top right corner of the screen

  3. Click on Ausmed Passport

  4. To the right you should see a progress bar indicating how complete your Passport is.


On the app:

  1. Login to your account

  2. On the Home tab tap on Aged Care Training Passport

  3. To the right you should see a progress bar indicating how complete your Passport is.

The Aged Care Training Passport has 8 training activities. Each training activity has its own progress status. Each progress status has its own meaning, which are defined below:

  • Valid - Training activities that you have completed within the last 12-months.

  • In Progress - Training activities that you have started but not yet finished.

  • Due Soon - Training activities expiring in one month or less

  • Not Valid - Training activities that you have completed previously, but have not been re-done within the last 12-months.

  • To Go - Training activities that you have not yet started.

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