Download a certificate for training assigned by your organisation

Certificates are available for most Ausmed courses and training modules, providing evidence that you have successfully completed an activity. To download a certificate for training assigned to you by your organisation, you first need to add a reflection to document the activity in your Portfolio. If you have already done so, click here for instructions on how to download the certificate directly from your Portfolio. It is best to download a certificate using a desktop computer, rather than the Ausmed app.

On a desktop computer:
  1. Login to your account 
  2. Click 'My Organisation' in the top menu bar to access your organisation's portal on Ausmed
  3. Next, click 'Overview' in the left-hand side menu. Then scroll down to your 'Assigned Learning' list and click on the 'Completed' section
  4. Locate the activity, click on the three dots icon and click 'Add Reflection'
  5. Click 'Continue' and follow the prompts to add a reflection
  6.  Finally, when you reach the 'Attach your evidence' screen, click on the .pdf attachment
  7. The certificate should open in a new tab. If it doesn't, ensure that pop-ups are enabled in your browser
  8. Click on the download or print icons located at the top right of the .pdf viewer to either save your certificate to your computer or print it
  9. Return back to the 'Add reflection' flow, then click 'Next' to continue through the remaining steps until you reach the 'Finish' button to close the flow.




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